Base principles
Feng-Shui base principles
Calculation in Feng-Shui and chinese astrology
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5 Elements
8 Aspirations
9 flying stars
Heavenly Animals
Kua / 8 Directions
Four Pillars
Flying Stars
Chinese Zodiac
Entrance door measurement
Feng-Shui measurement
Daily advice
Your profil
Daily element and you
Today's Mood:
The day of
Truc be
Bad, don't do anything
The Door of input Ch'i
Minimal opening of your main door (in cm)
The vital energy which feeds the whole of your house passes primarily by your main entrance door; This Energy, commonly called Vital Breath or Ch'i, is conditioned by the dimension of this gate.
A main entrance door evil gauged can impregnate harmful influences within your house.
This rule, very powerful, (until now held secret) was transmitted to us by a Feng-Shui Master Architecte Manufacturer of Pagoda from Middle Viêtnam.
Generally, this rule is used to determine the choice of a good removal (personal or professional) associated with the good feng-shui date.
Today's element:
Wood Yang
Today's Tree:
Giap Dan
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